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I made a hairbrush using some of the sea waste I collected on the beach just left of Brighton Marina.

Sea Waste:

-Fishing rope




Materials and equipment used:




-Masking tape

-Linseed oil



1) I started off by cutting 45 x 3cm strips of rope about 4mm wide and securing them with masking tape at one end and then supergluing them, then removed the tape once dry.

2) Next I cut a piece of wood about 10cmx4cmx2cm (this can vary depending on material found), and sanded the corners.

3) I then marked out 45 dots on the wood and drill down the dots roughly 1cm using a 5mm drill bit.


4) Next I mixed the tar I found with linseed oil to make tar paint ( which acts as a waterproof varnish, but you could use any varnish available) and coated the wooden block in this.

5) Finally I put superglue into the holes and slotted in the rope, then left it to dry.

6) Now you have a sea waste brush, which you can use as you please.

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